It is that time of the year when the Englewood Baptist Church family helps to provide backpacks filled with school supplies for our Mission Jackson kids. Please prayerfully consider adopting a child to help out in this regard. Here is what you do:
- visit the display in the main hall which leads to the sanctuary
- review the pictures of the children represented, the photos are attached to the school lockers
- prayerfully select one or more children, take their photo, which is inside a magnetic photo frame
- sign the list provided to help us track the results
- take a blue sheet which tells you what to purchase for the backpack as well as other suggestions about completing the project
- bring the completed backpack to the South Connection Center or the Welcome Center at Englewood by July 27th
- Be blessed!
- Optionally, you should consider helping to deliver the backpack to the child you adopted for this project. This is NOT required, but you will be blessed if you do.
God bless you and thank you for giving back to our local ministries. If you have any questions about Mission Jackson or Englewood Baptist Church, please feel free to get in touch with me. I’ll be happy to chat with you about either. I am a team leader with the Mission Jackson ministry, by the way.