Yesterday, I made the decision to change up the look and feel of our ministry website. Most professional templates designed for Joomla come with options on the color scheme and after a few months of the light orange theme, I just got in the mood for the dark look. If you are taking time to read this article, please check out the site and let me know if you like the new look.
Now, you may wonder what in the world does an article about changing our website have to do with ministry. Let’s explore that a bit… shall we?
- In this modern world that we call the “information age,” websites are more of a necessity than a luxury. Consider this… how else can a person obtain the opportunity to potentially minister to the world? I mean that literally. Even with our little personal ministry site, we have people view it from many many countries, including: Czech Republic, United States, United Kingdom, Romania, Slovakia, Iraq, Netherlands, Bulgaria, Canada, Germany, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, India, Kenya, Norway, & Sweden… among other places.
- Maintaining a website, if you have the time and ability to do it yourself, is the most cost effective way to reach a broader audience. I know that everyone may not have the same skills that I do in this area but most people can maintain a blog using free tools like Google’s Blogger or WordPress. Even with my scenario, I can do the work and present a professional website with a commercial service / template system for less that $100 per year. Cheap investment, I’d say for what it returns to me. Yes, before you say it… it does require a bit of time to maintain but for me, it is sort of like therapy… it allows me to stretch my mind in a different direction occasionally which is a good thing. I also enjoy seeing the result… sort of like a painter producing a work that he or she can take pride in after it is ready for the world to see. Know what I mean?
- I mentioned results… what would they be, you ask? Well, since I have been maintaining this new site, Nicholas Chronicles, I have been blessed to have received many positive comments about the content. The site has literally helped me to connect to new prayer partners and organizations who are exploring the idea of partnering with us in our work. The most important thing I can relate to you is how a young person back home in the states wrote me to let me know that through reading articles on this site, he made a commitment to Jesus for the rest of his life. That one fact makes it all worth while.
- Of course, there are other benefits that come to mind… like… presenting to you photos and video which help you get a better feel for what our ministry is like. Providing pertinent downloads from time to time. Giving you an easy method to message us. etc.
- Oh, and for me on a personal level… it’s just plain old fun to work with technology and graphics. I suppose that is the geek in me.
Well, I suppose that is enough rambling for the moment. I do pray that the time, effort, and expense which goes into this site will continue to bear fruit for the sake of the Kingdom of God. I hope you enjoy the site. God bless you.