If you are a pastor, this is for you. A second qualifier is this… you have developed a small circle of fellows that you use as a idea shield. Some call this small circle… “my mighty men” as a take on what we find in 1 Chronicles 11:10 or 2 Samuel 23:8-39.
Let me say quickly that the concept of having a small circle of trusted peer believers is not bad at all. It is actually Biblical. You can see that in the verses mentioned above and in Proverbs 11:14, Proverbs 12:15, Proverbs 19:20, and 2 Timothy 2:2. Sure, that last reference is probably more about discipleship, but it is still a good one to consider. So, brothers… sisters… I am not bashing you about having that small circle of friends / advisors / peers. It is important to have this if you are a pastor or spiritual leader. I am saying, however, that you should not gather a group that thinks “just like you do.” You know what I mean. If you group a bunch of advisors who you know will agree with all your ideas and leanings, well, you might be in jeopardy of making big mistakes down the road.
What gives me the right to comment on this? Some of my brothers may bristle at my questioning how they conduct their business. I suppose I do not have the right to judge you, but as a brother in the Lord, I can give you wise counsel also 🙂 You see, I have been a part of a few of those circles of mighty men… and… I still am engaged in a few. So, I have seen – first hand – how these situations can go off the spiritual rails in ministry. I agree that sifting through diverse, and sometimes opposing views, is not always pleasant. However, this iron-sharpening process usually leads to better results because the diversity helps you see points of view that may be VERY relevant to the best outcome.
So, preacher… broaden that circle a little. Don’t be afraid to hear opinions that are different than yours. Do have some baselines and guardrails to keep things sane. I hope it is understood, that you should keep the circle of mighty men a group that can interact and work together without making the entire process devolve into a fist-fight. Just don’t use that as an excuse to gather a group of “yes men” who will rubber-stamp every whim that you have… good or bad. Trust me, I have seen the good and the bad. Hopefully, you will agree with me that our ultimate goal would be to discover decisions that are God honoring and Kingdom building. That’s all I got for now… love you, mean it!
Proverbs 3:5-6