Like it or not, it takes real men to do the dirty work of war. It takes real men to do hard jobs like logging, barb-wire stringing, bad bull wrangling… and leading a Godly home (in the Creator’s original design). Real men step into those roles as they are needed and gifted without fanfare or expectation. They simply know, through God’s Spirit that it is the right thing to do. Are you tracking with me? I think you do.
I am not saying that non-Christian men are weaker or not masculine or incapable. No sir. I think we all realize that there are still plenty of manly men out there – REGARDLESS of the perverted that way men are portrayed in pop culture today. However, I am focusing on Christian men, the real ones, for this little commentary.
As a 63-year-old Southern man, who is a believer in Jesus Christ and I am a bit perplexed about how this wimpish waifish image of non-men, men, has been allowed to multiply so rapidly. I mean… DANG, what in the world is going on? I do believe that the mainstream media has been so infiltrated by homosexuality that THAT is one big reason. Another reason was their taking the next step in normalizing a behavior that has been long held as a mental malady. Through all of these cultural changes, traditional Christians have quietly watched as our country has been undermined and perverted for the nefarious purposes of lost, power-hungry, cultural zealots. And, isn’t it interesting to see their once sacred cries for fairness and equal thinking no longer tolerate our sense of fairness and equal thinking? Suddenly, we have had our voices silenced by the mob mentality of the sexually deviant minority. A slim minority has changed the day-to-day life of the majority. It is illogical and wrong.
Hundreds of years of normative American culture has been crucified by the sexually deviant minority. God help America, please!
Ok, before you misread this as a call to arms or gay-bashing, it is not. However, this is a call to my Christian brothers – real believing men – to step up to the plate and speak the truth in love. Oh, and that would be real truth based on fact and scripture, not an imaginary truth based on self-absorbed narcissism. Reality does not change based on how you feel. Also, cultural norms… the “what is reasonable and customary,” is set by the majority in a culture, not the minority. I do know that this reality can be a two-edged sword that cuts both ways. Historically, for example, consider the good and bad kings of Israel in the Old Testament and how they affected their people. Cultural norms can be swayed to extreme ends of the moral spectrum. For this discussion, let’s simply stay in the middle, not the extremes on either side… shall we?
For example, I am a bit overweight and no matter how much I whine or complain or strut about “pretending to be skinny” will change that fact – I am a portly dude! I can get mad at you if you don’t affirm me by pretending that I am a skinny fellow, but then I would be trying to make you join my illusion – which is completely unacceptable. If I honestly hope to improve my health and lose weight, it will require change, commitment, and work. THAT is reality.
Alright, I assume at this point, you either really agree with me or you really are getting miffed at me. So, to wrap up and touch on my “Coffee and Jesus” post category, I’ll give you a more spiritual take on it.
Obviously, several of the verses listed above deserve more context or fleshing out, so to speak. But, for my purpose here, they get the concepts across. Throughout human history, there has been friction between the best that God has for us and the selfish lives of pleasure that we want for ourselves. Ultimately, we have choices to make and my hope, my prayer, is that people will start considering the best that they can have within a personal relationship with the One True God, through His son – Jesus Christ. If you are reading through these “words” and they make you angry or confused, take a deep look into your own soul… alone… in a quiet place… and realize that missing thing (or presence) in your heart… is Jesus – amen.