This is the day when we, Christians, celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the One and Only Son of God. Sometimes, we forget that the rest of the world looks at us through a different lens. Especially in the culture today, we believers are under a microscope of judgement, being critiqued with a narrow set of negative terms. To be fair, we often give them reasons to doubt us.
Yet, it IS our Christian duty to tell others about our Jesus. We just need to do so with wisdom, sincerity, and love. We should have enough love for the lost man that we look beyond his fault and see his need… for Jesus. Now, as others may say… “Let me be clear.” I am not saying that we should affirm sinful behavior. Nope. However, how can you even begin a meaningful conversation if your starting point is an angry debate rather than honest careful conversation?
So, if you are reading this little blog post and you have not made a decision to believe in and trust in Jesus as your personal Savior, consider this…
If you do this and come to understand that all this Jesus stuff is real… or at least, if you want to think more about it, take a look at this page and slowly read over it and see what you think. Jesus is real… He did die for you and me… He did come back to life after three days… He does love you… He does want to have a relationship with you… it is your decision to make. Please say yes to Jesus.