As you examine the bowl in the photo, you will notice a chip broken out of the rim. This is my “cereal bowl” and the chip is a product of a small accident in it’s frequent usage. Each time I go to fetch it for another use, it just glares at me. It is no longer sleek and perfect. It is marred by life and use. I keep the thing and do not throw it away or replace it with a shiny new one. It reminds me of how we are all chipped and cracked by wear and tear and the abuses that this life has to send our way.
Some of us have obvious defects on the outside… like the blind right eye that I carry. If you see me on the street and take time to look, you will certainly notice it. However, some of us carry scars on the inside which are not easy to see yet there are there just the same. We know they are there and we deal with their ugliness day by day. Do yourself a favor though, if the chipped places in your inner man are sometimes too much to bear and they just seem to scream out for some sort of resolution, give the pain of the situation to Jesus… He will help bear that burden for you and you can experience rest and peace. Those inner scars and burdens and usually the most difficult to overlook and put behind us but with the help of the Great Physician, it can be done… amen.
1 Peter 5:7… Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.