Occasionally it happens. I wake in the middle of the night after a vivid dream that prods the spirit within me. Last night, it happened and I woke up around 4AM wondering what the meaning of my dream was all about. Parts of it were vague, but the main theme was obvious.
I dreamed in fractured segments about people I know, random places filled with dark brooding images, and a powerful ending that was a reference to the rapture of the saints. I have felt for a long time that we are indeed in the last days discussed in scripture. We are promised that the Lord Jesus will come again with the shout of an archangel and a mighty trumpet blast. If you are unfamiliar with scripture (the Bible) or would like a refresher, here are a few verses to review:
To finish my dream commentary, last night I saw people who I cannot remember, most were just random figures or faces. However, one person was very clear to me. Sorry, I don’t feel it is appropriate to mention the name in this setting, but he was someone that I know and had a conversation with this week. I know him as a businessman and strong believer in Jesus. In my dream, he was shown to me in different situations but at the end of my dream, we experienced the rapture together. He was snatched up into the air and I followed shortly thereafter.
It is interesting to note that leading up to my salvation experience, I had a recurring dream about the rapture. I had this specific and identical dream multiple times over a period of over five years… and yes, I was stubborn and blessed to be given many many chances to turn my life over to Him and I did, hallelujah. In that old dream, I would always be snatched up into the air, only to fall back to the earth, left in a fearful state. I would sometimes wake up in a cold sweat, terrified.
So, having a different dream in which I was taken up and did not fall is, well, a lovely and comforting experience. It is also a nice confirmation about my long-standing conviction concerning the rapture and the assurance that I have to be in that number – caught up to be with the Lord forever, amen.
Oh, in case you are wondering about the title that I chose for this post, here is the verse:
And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams;
Acts 2:17