OUCH! Do you ever feel the way the fellow in this picture is displayed? Sure you have… admit it! Honest confession is good for the soul my friend. Some days I feel just like that… just kicked down on the ground with satan’s heel on MY head! Scripturally speaking, it is supposed to be the other way around… right? Remember Genesis 3:15 which says “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel” Now, of course, this most likely points directly to Jesus defeating the old serpent at the cross of Calvary. Yet, I think that this also should translate to us in the sense that we are joint heirs with Jesus in the Kingdom of God. We are His sons and daughters through blood bought adoption… so, shouldn’t we start to act that way a bit more?
It is so easy to take the fall back position of “woe is me, I am just so small compared to the wiles and power of the enemy.” Sure you are bonehead… if you try to do things in your own power! Oh, don’t get offended… the “bonehead remark was inwardly focused. I have to remind myself quite often that it is not about me or what power I can muster against the opposition… any good result or outcome from my simple human efforts must be powered by the Spirit of the true and living God. This little blog article is simply a way for me to speak it and write it out loud, so to speak. Hopefully this will also be a timely reminder for you as well. If you have been beat up lately by doubt and anxiety in your ministry, remember to resist the devil and he will flee from you. This is the most important part in the equation though… you have to resist and not passively allow sin to reign in your mortal body… or allow the deceiver to cause you to forget your position as a child of God. Assume that God wants to do something powerful through you because He does. Suck it up, kick down a few doors of the stronghold of the enemy, and get back into the fray! Jesus is Lord and He has all of the power that you could ever need to do what He has called you to do.