

Scripture has a lot to say about the “last days” preceding the return of King Jesus. For various reasons, we seldom hear sermons about the Second Coming any more. However, when we read the warnings found in 2 Timothy, it is easy to recognize that the Day is drawing near. All you have to do…

Thanksgiving 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

Today in America, we celebrate Thanksgiving Day. I sometimes wonder if our nation has wandered from the type of thankfulness that our Founding Fathers possessed. For that matter, I wonder about the gratefulness of the church. Not “all” churches, mind you, but churches in general. Our brave ancestors came to this land to chase the…

Wounded Warrior…

Wounded Warrior…

Yes… if you are actively engaged in the battle to advance the Gospel in the world, you will get beaten up occasionally. Honestly, you will probably get knocked down… maybe even knocked out now and again. It is no coincidence that the writers of the New Testament often used military references to describe Gospel engagement….

Serving Together

Serving Together

You have to love it when a plan comes together… right?  Sunday was one such day.  Mission Jackson volunteers, Englewood Baptist Church Sunday school members, City of Jackson Police officers, Mundt Rental Properties, and members of the Jackson Lions Club worked in unity to reach out to the community near Guardian Courts ( aka, MJ…



Benched… disenfranchised… discouraged… ineffective… spiritually nullified – do you know the feeling? You probably know what I mean. If you do not, give thanks to the Lord above! However, for those of us who believe in and follow Jesus, this can sometimes be the reality that vexes our spiritual existence. How do you get in…

A New Day Dawns

A New Day Dawns

We’ve all been there, right? Someone who you depended on has let you down. That job that you hoped to get didn’t materialize. The report from the doctor was not what you thought it would be. Life gets more complicated than you are prepared to deal with. Yes sir… things, people, circumstances, health, the future……

Some days...

Some days…

I am confident that most of you can relate… unless you are very, very, VERY fortunate. Some days, you feel like the negative object of the world’s scrutiny. Other days, you feel like a holder of the ultimate source of hope, ready to extinguish the evil fires of the world. Notice in the statements above,…