Feelings Let You Down

Feelings Let You Down

I have felt happy and I have felt sad. I have felt betrayal and I have befriended. I have felt victorious and I have felt defeated. Security, insecurity… melancholy, excited… passionate, unfeeling… powerful, weak… anxious, calm… and on and on it goes. In our humanity (the flesh), we are assaulted with a multitude of feelings….

EBC Family

Hebrews 13:1

Last night at Englewood Baptist Church, I felt a familiar feeling. This is a feeling, a sensation that I have felt in the past. It is an air of expectation, waiting for the powerful hand of the Lord to sweep into a congregation and reveal things that are much bigger than they expect they can…

Maximum Man Thursday

Maximum Man Thursday

This mornings Bible study at Englewood Baptist Church was awesome! Nearly every Thursday morning, a group of diverse Christian men gather from all over West Tennessee to study God’s Word. Gary Taylor leads this group and has done so for over 7 years, if I remember correctly. He teaches the scripture in a clear, direct,…

Serving at RIFA

Serving at RIFA

Yesterday was a good day. I changed my regular “personal ministry” day to Tuesday in order to allow me to celebrate my birthday with Dawn and eat, etc. Monday would have been my Mission Jackson fast day, but I moved it to Tuesday. That concluded my current commitment of prayer and fasting for Mission Jackson….