Jesus told us to go and make disciples. What does that mean anyway? Well, it goes beyond making “converts” even though that is extremely important. A person has to become reborn spiritually before they can even start the discipleship process. Being a disciple of the Lord Jesus means committing our lives to His Lordship… to His teachings… to Him as our savior and sustainer. In short, disciples are Christ followers. We follow His teachings because He is worthy of our following… He died for us and paid the price for our sins.
Today, October 29, 2011, we started a men’s discipleship group in the community of Roma people around Cejl Street in Brno. This group is open to any man who is seeking to learn more about following Jesus. We are focusing on men who are already believers with the goal of seeing them deepen their relationships with Christ and develop leadership qualities and skills which will help them to set Godly examples in their homes and the community. Some will hopefully become elders in the mission church where we serve.
This morning we had 8 men come for the first meeting! This was great! We had some coffee and light breakfast and I started by explaining what the group would be about and the types of topics we would be talking about in the weeks to come. This morning, we talked about the Biblical qualifications of church elders as recorded in 1 Timothy 3:1-7. I also shared a bit about my personal testimony and gave thanks for a young Czech brother who is helping me in these group sessions. Pavel Krejci, thank you… I sincerely appreciate your help and your commitment to the ministry on Cejl Street. The conversation was healthy about elder’s qualifications and ministry within the church. I hope that they were encouraged and will seriously consider whether God would have them focus on the possibility of developing into future church elders.
Please continue to pray for this group as we develop a long term process of discipleship and a way to pass on what they learn to others in the community. We currently plan to have these meetings every 2 weeks on Saturday mornings.