There is nothing quite like a well appointed mancave. Over the weekend, we had the opportunity to visit my sister and her husband for a game night. We do this now and again and it is always a good time. Zbo and Tracy live close to Brownsville and Zbo’s mancave has a pool table, TV, tables for board or card games, and comfortable seats. We typically play Sorry or Rook with a football game on in the background. Now and then, we even try our hand at 8-ball. This evening we kept the food simple… pizza and some chicken chunks from Chik-Fil-A. It was all tasty!
Ok, to get the line-up organized… Tracy is my sister, Zbo (Jerry) is her husband, and on this occasion, my sister invited a work friend over to join us. My children – Josh and Heather – were there with us as well. Dawn, my dear wife, was in the mix too. My apologies if Tracy’s friend-girl sees this because I cannot remember her name. She was a nice lady though and seemed to have fun with our crew.
Alright, I won’t drag this out. We had a great time and I love my family. As we have grown older, Tracy and I have gotten closer and that’s a good thing. Sis, I appreciate your hospitality. Zbo, I am still in shock about how Josh mopped the floor with all of us in the Sorry tournament. It is just hard to explain some things