Last night, we had an excellent gathering with believers who were of African, Malaysian, Korean, Indian and American descent. I am always encouraged by these diverse and meaningful fellowship opportunities. We were blessed to have Elder Joseph Tan share a message with us. We had a rather large group assembled to hear what he had to say. Oh, and I should mention that his family was with him. They are from Malaysia and are a strong family of fellow believers.
Elder Tan spoke to us about Jesus appearing to His disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35). I won’t outline everything that Joseph said to us, but I will focus on the main theme. How could these two men – who had lived with Jesus for three years – not know who He was? Indeed, how can we sometimes find ourselves in similar situations? We, as children of God, can lose sight of the fact that Jesus is with us… day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, every step of the way! Just like those two disciples who walked along, oblivious to the presence of the Savior, we often allow life and circumstances obscure His presence in our lives.
Maybe you are going through a season of grief due to a loss in your life? Have you lost hope? Jesus is with you or wants to be with you. Look into the scripture and SEE Him on every page. For we who are believers already, we are challenged to share hope, truth, and the love of Jesus Christ THROUGH the scripture. Can we take the time to share the Word of God with a lost and hurting world? I think we can. We may be forced to realign our priorities and refuse to get caught up in the daily static of the prevailing news cycle. After all, what is more important… staying on top of the latest political garbage -or- staying engaged in (and focused on) Kingdom work?
Last night was awesome! We had a great time of worship. Bro. Richard, I personally loved to hear you bring back a couple of older praise songs… just sayin’. The house was filled with a loving energy and the sound of children. I like it! We took time to love on each other and pray for one another. We enjoyed food and fellowship around the table. As you can see from the photos below, it was a wonderful evening. If you are reading this and do not have this kind of group in your life, I would highly suggest that you join one or start one. As the days grow darker and more confusing, you’ll need a group of fellow believers to make it though the hard times… until Jesus comes back