Lately it seems… I have been often reminded about, listened to discussions about, seen the painful results of, and written collegiate papers on the topic of change. The times, they are a changin’. Change, change, change. I can hear the old songs running through my mind.
When you examine the photo chosen for the feature of this article, you will see the remains of a once proud tree. A massive one at that! It lived behind the Lighthouse Missions Building that belongs to Englewood Baptist Church. I am not sure how old the tree was. It is probably much older than I… or it was. Now, only a butchered stump remains. Yesterday morning, before the sun came up, I met a Christian brother (and friend) to walk a while for health and for fellowship. As I finished my walk, I took notice of the stump and it struck me as sad that this massive old tree had to be removed. Large limbs had fallen out during recent storms and it became obvious that the tree could potentially damage property or vehicles if a more substantial portion of it gave way. So, it was cut down. In my lifetime, I recall that this building had been used for a restaurant, a radio station, and other things. Currently, it is the base of operations for Englewood’s local missions efforts. I have been inside the building during each of its identities, but I never thought much of the tree until it was removed.
This change caught my attention. A lifetime of growth, shade, branching out into the world, and shelter for small animals was erased. This caused me to pause and consider how change affects our lives. This along with a college course about change in church vision, impacted me in new ways. Yes, yes… we all know that change is inevitable. Whole generations come and go. Comfortable things give way to stress. Suits and ties give way to holy bluejeans! Now, lest you wonder when I will get to the point. Here it is. God is the constant in life and the entire universe, for that matter. For the believer, He is our anchor. He is the One we can depend on when all else falls short in our lives. He is the glue that holds everything together. However, for the non-believer, change can be so devastating that they find themselves with nowhere or nobody to turn to for comfort and security. I pray that if you are reading this message and you do not have a relationship with God, you will consider trusting in Him for your needs… for your security… for your soul salvation. That trust starts with believing in His only Son, Jesus Christ. At that moment, something wonderful and powerful and truly amazing happens. You become a part of His big family of believers. Life will not always be easy, but you will acquire a peace that will usher in a new life.
Life changes, people change. circumstances change, but God never does. Hang on to that reality and let it bless you. Amen.