I have already mentioned our new fuzzy friend on facebook but I should introduce her on our ministry site too. You will see our little Maltese puppy in the photograph. Her name is Sassy and as of this writing, she is about 2 months old. It is a long story but basically, Dawn has had a small house dog most of her life and it brings a lot of joy into her life to have one. To be honest, I kind of like the little things myself. So, we made the decision to start looking for a puppy and we decided to look for a Maltese because they are smaller, they do not shed very much at all (because their hair is almost like people hair), and they are good family pets… very loving.
So, the search was on! We used Google Chrome to automatically translate Czech classified ads, we did our best to email people from the ads, we got a colleague to help us make some phone calls (thank you Wendi!), and finally, we took our language teacher with us to make a visit across town to a lady who was selling Maltese puppies. This process is a bit “different” from what we have ever experienced before but in the end, Sassy was found and purchased. She is a sweet little dog and has already raised the level of smiles in our house. We are thankful for the small things in our life just as we are thankful for the big things… amen.