A few days ago, my dear bride and I (Dawn Nicholas, of course!) had the awesome privilege to join our friends at Poplar Heights Baptist Church as they hosted a Fall Festival and invited the community to come in and share an evening of clean, safe fun and food and fellowship… and the Gospel.
We represented CEF of Greater Jackson and were asked to take groups of people and share the Gospel with them. We used the Wordless Book to do this and group by group, the message of salvation was shared with 170 people. There were 116 children and 54 adults. I believe there were a lot more who came to the event, but not all came to see us, but that is OK… those 170 heard the truth about the Lord Jesus and His desire to save their souls. Because we did not have much time between groups, we shared / explained the Wordless Book, prayed with each group, and gave them a suggested prayer to ask for forgiveness and salvation. Immediately after this, they were asked to walk next door to a dedicated prayer room for follow-up. The brothers and sisters in that room said that several did stop to ask for prayer about various things. I also heard a couple of people praying with me in one group while I was speaking the sample prayer out loud.
Obviously, it is better to have more time to relate to people and do follow-up, but there is value in doing “broad seed” sewing. You never know when Gospel seeds may take root! Additionally, we know the scripture says that His Word will not come back void. As part of our presentation to the people, Dawn read aloud the scriptures associated with the Wordless Book, so they heard the story and the Word. We’ll trust God to bless those efforts.
Here are a few photos from that evening. Thank you to Pastor Richard Bragg and his congregation for the invitation to come and help with their event! God bless you!