Lately, I have been thinking about how our lives are like a book which is in the process of being written. It is not finished… not until we close our eyes in death. For some of us, the book probably spans many volumes and we are actually building our own library. These volumes cover the subjects of history, suspense, fiction, horror, comedy and religion… among others.
In my life, at times I feel that I am stuck in one genre and am struggling to finish that story line so I can move on to something more meaningful or fulfilling. Do you know what I mean? I bet you do. Where are you right now in the story of your life? Let’s go back to the thought of a singular book, shall we? Think of this… you are basking in the wonders of something beautiful in your life right now. You want to slow down the writers hand… make him write slower so you can enjoy every single second of the experience. However, if your life is going through one of those tragedies at the moment… one of those dark places where you just want to survive and move on, well… I am sure you would like for the penmanship to speed up so you can start a new chapter. Right?
In a spiritual sense, we are actually recording our deeds in the mind and heart of God. He is the Master Publisher and takes note of every detail. I am of course referencing those who are His children. If God is your Heavenly Father, then you are in a different category in His eternal library. Your life is being recorded in light of what you do with His Son and how He has given you a new vision for the writing. Yet, for those who have not believed in His Son, Jesus, there is only one book that matters. This is the Lamb’s Book of Life. This is the all important one… the one which holds the names of everyone who is saved… those who we call “believers.” If you have not settled that issue in your heart and mind, I pray that you will while there is still time. Someday, this book will be written in for the last time and if your name is not there, you will be eternally damned and separated from all that is good. Revelation 20:15
Where are you at now? At what juncture is your life positioned? Is the story just starting or is it nearly finished? We do not know and that is why it is so vitally important to live a life worthy of being recorded for the glory of God. Amen.