It has been a LONG time since I have written an article on my personal website / blog. I can’t think of a better subject than to talk a little about a special group of friends that I have – brothers and sisters in the Lord. For a few years now, I have been meeting with a diverse group of believers. They were organized by and are led by my friend, Jared Okoth. Jared and I are close to the same age and both of us are trained church planters, missionaries, called to serve the same Almighty God.
Jared was born in Kenya and has traveled the world, serving the Lord in various ministries. He has a British brogue and I can honestly say that he is my brother in Christ, unique and set apart to do Kingdom work. Jared has a unique way of drawing together believers from different religious traditions. At first, it might seem a little uncomfortable for some, but it is a good thing to engage with other Christian traditions, affirming where necessary and challenging when necessary. At least, that is my point of view. I consider myself a strong Baptist, denominationally, but I know we can learn from each other too – across denominational lines. It is GOOD to stretch yourself now and again, yes?
When we gather as a group of believers, we “generally” do not talk about which denomination we are connected to. With some of us it is more obvious than it is with others, but that’s OK too. I do believe that with most of us (in the group), it is more important to look at this Gathering as simply a group of Jesus believers and followers of His Way. Ok, I’ll post a few photos below to give you an idea of what it looks like when we gather together. Who knows, you might even recognize one or two of them
Oh, and for my more curious brothers and sisters out there, this gathering does not replace my home church, it is a valuable supplement to the spiritual part of who I am. It also helps me stay in contact with cultures from the international community. I love that – yes, I do. Here are some of the countries represented by people groups that I have prayed and broken bread with under this roof: Kenya, China, Mongolia, Philippines, Korea, Republic of Congo, India, Mexico and the US.