Let me tell you, Vertigo is a horrible malady and a more horrible experience. I recall how my dad would sometimes get it and would be incapacitated, needing to lay on his bed in a dark room, hoping it would soon leave. I had my first introduction to it early yesterday morning, around 5:30am.
The night before, I helped lead our monthly CEF committee meeting and everything was fine. However, that following morning as I attempted to get out of bed, everything in my world started swirling and tumbling back upon itself. I fell back on the bed and even though my mind knew that I was lying flat, my senses told me that I was sinking through the bed, floor, and into the abyss. It was a truly freaky / scary experience. Next, I broke out in a cold sweat. The kind you often get when you have the flu. My stomach hurt but fortunately, I did not follow through with the typical nausea that comes with vertigo.
Two things that I am thankful for regarding this situation. One, it happened at home. If this hit me while driving, there is NO doubt that bad things would be the result because in that moment, I was completely out of sync with time and space, not in control of my equilibrium. Secondly, I am grateful that my family doctor, Dr. Keith Kirby, agreed to “work me in” so I could get confirmation about what was happening. When this initially hit me, I allowed my mind to take me in all sorts of bad places and resulting “maybes.”
So, that’s my story for the day. I hope you never have to deal with ‘ole Vert. If you have, I can now properly empathize with you. Now, here are a few links to help you learn more about it, beyond my rambling.
If you have stumbled upon this little article, please pray that my symptoms will pass soon. God knows why He felt that I needed to slow things down and experience a short season of rest. I am sure I’ll need the rest for what lies ahead in the Kingdom work He has assigned to me in this life… amen.