Ha! I bet the title got your attention… right? As I went for my morning walk in the cool of the day, I decided to interject a little diversity into my musical routine. For those of my friends and colleagues in the north (both in Illinois and the Nordic regions of Europe), you probably like Celtic music. The Old Blind Dogs is a Scottish folk band that is very well known in Western Europe. Anyway, I am a fairly diverse person when it comes to music. Of course, Christian music in all of its forms takes top billing but I also enjoy traditional (roots) music from many places in the world… Celtic, Bluegrass, Fold, Blues… you name it, I like a lot of it.
Ok, this morning as I bopped along listening to the Dogs, Phil Cunningham, Tannahill Weavers and the like, I enjoyed the peppy heartfelt music and it touched me deeply. If you do not understand what I am describing here… well, you are just wired different from some. That’s ok… but if you do understand, you have musical empathy! Bless you. Some musicians play music as a tool to enthuse others and make money… others seem to just be content to engulf themselves in a deep state of musical emotion… sort of wallowing in it. Celtic music has always seemed that way to me… full of life and emotion and sometimes deep sorrow. Hmmm, come to think of it, I am a lot that way myself.
Alright, as I walked along, I started looking at the faces of those I passed and I forced myself to consider their plight… the plight of all of humanity. Plodding along in spiritual darkness until someone somewhere shares the Light with them. This is not a nice thing to dwell on but if we are true to what we are taught as Christians… then, there is no hope of eternal bliss and security without Jesus. Who shall go? Who will speak the Words of Life? Who will strike a new chord in the life song of the people that we pass by everyday? Lord help us to open our mouths… to make a conscious effort to sing. preach, and teach the Truth… amen.
If you would like to hear a little bit of the Old Blind Dogs, click on the media player below… it plays a song called “A Wild Rumpus.”